Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Korey's take on things...

Too busy to update with pictures and progress - but I thought the following conversation with Korey was amusing enough to post:

Korey "Mama, I don't like Washoe Balley (valley)."
Me "You don't? What do you mean?"
Korey "I don't like it because it says "wash" in it"
Me "Oooh...so you like the place...Washoe Valley, just not what it's called?"
Korey "Uh huh."
Me "Well what do you think it should be called?"
Korey "Hmmm...I think it should be called Doh Doh Ha Ha"

So there it is. According to Korey Bear we live in Doh Doh Ha Ha Balley. Such a silly lil' feller...

He also insists that we are a pterodactle family as opposed to human. Who knew? :)

Monday, August 2, 2010

Indroducing Buster!

Kitty Condo :)

We decided to move the kitties over since Dono had some extra time off and could hang out with them while they adjusted. Unfortunately Smoky wasn't having it so Buster came all by himself. We did end up catching Smoky, despite her continued rebellion, but I didn't get pictures of her yet. It is so nice to have critters around the house (no offense to Lucy the dog of course).

~Welcome to the ranch kitties!!!~