Thursday, August 18, 2011

AWOL's been a long time. Seeing my last few posts down there are bittersweet as we no longer have Buster. He was the best cat ever but decided it was time to cross the Rainbow Bridge a few months ago. We have new additions (two kittens) and I'll eventually post new pics. Today's post however is to announce a new blog I'm launching called Health Kick in the Pants. I know there are some changes I need to make and being the creature of habit that I am - well, this feels like a mountain I am about to climb. I'm hoping by keeping an online blog of my journey will help me be more accountable and successful as a result.

As far as how this is all related - I think there is a domino effect that takes place when you feel good and improve your health. The progress at Flying Pies Ranch has been slow and I think that is because we are allowing the chaos to win. It's hard to keep up on the day to day stuff (laundry, dishes, etc) let alone tackle the bigger projects (floor trim, 50's kitchen remodel, etc.). I think on the days we feel overwhelmed it's so much easier to say "screw it" and watch a movie, crack open a cold summer beer, or whatever. However, that's not getting us or our beloved ranch anywhere.

We can do better.
We can be better.
Let's do this!